Project Sites
The Riverside County Regional Park and Open-Space District (RivCoParks) has selected project sites for their D4 (Desert Region) Regional Park Feasibility Study. The following criteria was used to determine the project sites.
- Utilities and Service Systems - Flood Protection - Circulation (travel times; access by various modes of transportation; access to trails) - Planning (zoning; land use) - Agricultural Resources - Air Quality - Biological Resources - Cultural Resources - Disadvantaged Communities - Geology and Soils (incl. earthquake fault zones; active mines; soil survey) - Hazardous Sites and Wildfire Zones - Hydrology and Water Quality(flood water zones; watershed; master drainage plans; etc.) - Site Topography for development (drainage; slope) - Views - Area Parks and Open Spaces (proximity to other parks) - Farmland and Urbanized Areas - Historic Sites - Climate - Plant Life
Salton Sea Shoreline
The Salton Sea site is located to the west of the Salton Sea and the city of Mecca in unincorporated Riverside County. The site consists of one (1) parcel comprised of 640 acres and is currently undeveloped. The terrain ranges in elevation from 90 feet at the southwest corner of the site to a maximum of 460 feet above sea level at the northeast corner of the site.
Long Canyon
The Long Canyon site is located to the northeast of the city of Desert Hot Springs in unincorporated Riverside County adjacent to the Joshua Tree National Park. The site consists of two parcels approximately 980 acres and the terrain ranges in elevation from 1,460 feet to 2,480 feet above sea level.